Thursday, November 29, 2007

Being God's Man or Woman

I receive in my inbox daily a devotional called A Word With You. It is so inspirational and encouraging that I forward it on to a select group of people. I love the way the author of this devotional puts this life into perspective. One of the thoughts that really grabbed my attention was his idea of how to have a million dollar life. We often think about success and a good life in terms of dollars and cents. However, this is an excerpt of what the author of AWWY has to say about it:

"So what do I have to do to have the honor; the incredible value of being someone that the High King of Heaven can use? "If a man cleanses himself," the Bible says, "he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work." Man, those are beautiful words, "useful to the Master." Just like you or me going to the kitchen to find a glass to drink from, God is looking for someone who's clean to use. And He doesn't find very many. What a powerful reason for you to keep your heart and your mind pure, to repent of the junk you're hanging onto, to meet with Jesus daily for that day's tune-up, to aspire to be, as Robert Murray McCheyne said, "as holy as a saved sinner can be." You'll be God's man, God's woman, through whom God's work will be done in people's lives. That temptation, that compromise can't possibly be worth losing out on a destiny like that! And His choice of the person He will use is not based on the things most people look for. God doesn't care about charisma, or credentials, or connections, or cash. He's looking for character. He's a holy God, and He can only use holy instruments; people who keep themselves clean for His service."

This is phenomenal! I can be God's woman just by submitting myself to Him. He can complete His work in my life and produce something perfectly beautiful as only He can. Just wonderful!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Daily Scripture Nugget

New Scientist video on latest technology

discipline during the holidays

I thought this was very good advice on how to maintain good
nutritional habits during the holidays. I retrieved this from

"There's no need to rely on willpower alone to get through this
difficult time of year. Here are some strategies that will help:
Create a Supportive Food Environment: Keep foods such as fruits,
vegetables and whole grains in your kitchen, your desk at work, and
wherever else you might feel hungry. Pack healthy snacks for the
shopping mall. Surround yourself with low calorie, healthy food
Avoid Eating Triggers: Everyone has different factors that trigger
their desire to eat. It could be the stress of the holidays, or
feeling deprived. Ask yourself, "What environmental triggers drive
my desire for food?"
Create a Plan: After learning what situations, foods, and routines
tempt you to eat, formulate a plan for dealing with them. If stress
causes you to turn to food for comfort, find a substitute such as
going for a walk or talking with a friend.
If feeling deprived leaves you unable to pry yourself from the
holiday fudge, try allowing yourself a small daily treat. Just
remember that you will need to cut the extra calories elsewhere.
Trade your daily soda for a sample of your coworker's baklava.
Lastly, don't let a little slip give you license to abandon your
goals. In fact, that's a good place to keep your focus this
December. Not on all the temptations and little setbacks, but on
all the positive things you are working towards."

Tuesday, November 27, 2007